2010 –

11/08 2019 “Chez Birgitta”, 51 Quai de Bourbon Paris, France
11/07 2019: Danmarkshuset, Paris, France
10/05 2019: Cosmopoética Sala Orive, Cordoba, Spain
10/03 2019: Aleatorio Bar, Madrid, Spain
10/02 2019: Tierra de Fuego, Madrid Spain
08/28 2019: The Nordic House Reykjavik, Island
10/18 2018 Hafenlesung. Nachtasyl. Alstertor Hamburg, Germany
10/06 2018 Oslo Poetry Festival. Litteraturhuset. Interview and reading. Oslo, Norway
10/05 2018 Oslo Poetry Festival. Café Teatret, Oslo, Norway
06/21 2018 Lyrik aus Dänemark. Haus für Poesie, Knaackstrasse, Berlin, Germany
10/26 2017: Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung: Europa – nur anders. Centralstation, Darmstadt, Germany
09/22 2017: LitVest 2017, Reading with Timişoara Bikers, Sf. Gheorghe Amphitheatre, Timişoara, Romania
09/21 2017: Litvest 2017, “Scoring a text”, Bierhaus 15 E Ungureanu Street, Timişoara, Romania
09/21 2017: LitVest 2017, High School, Timişoara, Romania
09/20 2017: LitVest 2017, 3 Liberty Square, Bastion Maria Theresia. Timis County Library, Timişoara, Romania
07/10 2017: Lyrik Kabinett, Munich Germany
04/26 2017: Poetry Evening. Poetsko veče “Riječi putuju”. SPKD Prosvjeta Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
04/24 2017: 4th International Literary Festival – Atlas of European Lyrics, Banja Luca Poetry Evenings, Book presentation, Cultural Centre, Banja Luca, Bosnia-Herzegovina
04/24 2017: 4.th International Literary Festival Banja Luca Poetry Evenings – Atlas of European Lyrics. Meeting with the local media. Cultural Centre. Banja Luca, Bosnia-Herzegovina
04/24 2017: 4.th International Literary Festival Banja Luka Poetry Evenings – Atlas of European Lyrics. Jevrejski kulturni centar “Arie Livne”, Banja Luka, Bosnia-Herzegovina
04/24 2017: 4.th International Literary Festival Banja Luca Poetry Evenings – Atlas of European Lyrics. Radio and Television of Republica Srpska (live) Banja Luca, Bosnia-Herzegovina
02/17 2017: Large Senior Common Room, Oriel College, Oxford, England
02/16 2017: The Panelled Room, The Master´s House. Ledbury, England
02/15 2017: Reading University, Humms. Humanities Department, Whiteknights Campus, Reading, England
09/16 2016: The Franz Kafka Society, Prague, Czech Republik
09/16 2016: The Slovak House. Prague, Czech Republik
11/09 2016: Ulvik Poetry Festival: Poetry in Hauges´ Garden, Ulvik, Norway
09/10 2016: Ulvik Poetry Festival: Nordic Master Meeting. Syse gard, Ulvik, Norway
09/09 2016: Ulvik Poetry Festival: Festival-opening: Elvatun, Ulvik, Norway
08/10 2016: IASS 2016 Congres. De Lutherzaal, De Evangelisch-Lutherse Kerk, Groningen, The Netherlands
10/10 2015 La Grande Soirée Québecor de la Poesi, La Maison de la Culture, place de l´Hôtel-de-Ville. Trois-Rivières, 31.Festival International de la Poésie. Trois-Rivières, Canada
10/09 2015 Restaurant Il Circo Pâtes et Passion, rue Saint-Prosper. Trois-Rivières, 31.Festival International de la Poésie. Trois-Rivières, Canada
10/09 2015 Musée des Ursulines, rue des Ursulines. Trois-Rivières, 31.Festival International de la Poésie. Trois-Rivières, Canada
10/09 2015 Café Bar Zénob, rue Bonaventure. Trois-Rivières, 31.Festival International de la Poésie. Trois-Rivières, Canada
10/08 2015 Restaurant Le Lupin, rue Saint-Georges. Trois-Rivières, 31.Festival International de la Poésie. Trois-Rivières, Canada
10/08 2015 Café Bar Zénob, rue Bonaventure. Trois-Rivières, 31.Festival International de la Poésie. Trois-Rivières, Canada
10/08 2015 Restaurant Au Four à bois, rue Laviolette. Trois-Rivières, 31.Festival International de la Poésie. Trois-Rivières Canada
10/07 2015 Galerie Bar, rue des Forges. Trois-Rivières, 31.Festival International de la Poésie. Trois-Rivières, Canada
10/07 2015 Restaurant Le Lupin, rue Saint-Georges. Trois-Rivières, 31.Festival International de la Poésie. Trois-Rivières, Canada
10/07 2015 Restaurant Au Four à bois, rue Laviolette. Trois-Rivières, 31.Festival International de la Poésie. Trois-Rivières, Canada
09/30 2015 Driv: Poesitime. Ordkalotten. Tromsø Internationale Litteraturfestival. Tromsø, Norway
06/04 2015 Wege Durch Das Land. Schloss Wehrden, Beverungen Germany
Poetica 1. Eine lange Nacht der Lyrik. Festival für Weltliteratur 26. bis 31. January 2015. Cologne Germany
01/31 2015 Poetry meets Scenery. Theatre of Cologne Germany
01/29 2015 German public broadcasting radio station. Poetica 1. Eine lange Nacht der Lyrik. Festival für Weltliteratur 26. bis 31. January 2015. Cologne Germany
01/27 2015 Dichtung und Wirklichkeit. Lesungen und Gespräche. City Library. Poetica. Festival für Weltliteratur 26. bis 31. January 2015. Cologne Germany
01/26 2015 Universität zu Köln (Cologne). Aula II. Poetica. Festival für Weltliteratur 26. bis 31. January 2015. Cologne Germany
12/10 2014 European Meetings 2014. Lyrik-Kabinett Munich. Germany
09/05 2014 Kristianstad Bokfestival. Kristianstad, Sweden
06/15 2014 Phytorio, Nicosia Municipal Gardens, Nicosia, Cypern
06/14 2014 Poetry in Dialogue. Botanical Garden A G Leventis, ex Amiantos Mines, Cypern
06/13 2014 Poetry in Dialogue. Garden by the Pediaeos River, Nicosia, Cypern
06/04 2014 Voci Lontane Voci Sorelle-International Poetry Festival. Biblioteca delle Oblate Florence, Italia
03/21 2014 Sabad – A World Poetry Festival, Delhi, India
12/04 2013 En katapult för flygande drömmar. En kväll i poesins tecken. Mejeriet, Lund, Sweden
11/12 2013 Röda Kvarn, Karlsgatan, Helsingborg, Sweden
10/16 2013 Lunds Stadsbibliotek. Lund, Sweden
09/27 2013 Athen´s World Poetry Festival 2013, Stoa Tou Vivliou, Athens, Greece
09/25 2013 Athen´s World Poetry Festival 2013, The Municipality of Delphi, Greece
09/23 2013 Athen´s World Poetry Festival 2013, Athens Concert Hall, Garden. Athens, Greece
09/13 2013 Boulevardteatern Södermalms Poesifestival 2013, Stockholm Sweden
09/12 2013 Teatern, Sensus, Medborgarhuset. Södermalms Poesifestival 2013. Stockholm, Sweden
08/25 2013 The Bridge, Struga. Struga Poetry Evenings, Macedonia
08/24 2013 Plaoshnik. Struga Poetry Evenings, Macedonia
08/24 2013 Kalishta. Struga Poetry Evenings, Macedonia
06/12 2013 Poeten på hörnet, Södra Förstadsgatan, Malmö, Sweden
05/08 2013 Usina del Arte, Buenos Aires, Argentine
05/07 2013 Bar Britania, Buenos Aires Argentine
05/04 2013 The Book Fair, Sala Leopoldo Lugones, Buenos Aires, Argentine
05/04 2013 El Mercado del Progreso, Buenos Aires, Argentine
01/25 2013 Skurup Folkhögskola, Sweden
09/12 2012 Skien Library, Skien, Norway
06/29 2012 Poetry Parnassus. Live Essays. Front Room at the Queen Elizabeth Hall. Southbank Centre, London, England 2012
06/28 2012: Poetry Parnassus. This is What the World Sounds Like. The Clore Ballroom at Royal Festival Hall. Southbank Centre, London, England 2012
06/27 2012 Poetry Parnassus. Lunch Poems: Queen Elisabeth Hall Roof Garden. Southbank Centre, London, England 2012
06/26 2012: Poetry Parnassus. Panel debate: Translation: Beyond the Text. Front Room at the Queen Elizabeth Hall. Southbank Centre, London, England 2012
06/10 2012 Parque de Doña Casilda. Festival Internacional de poesía. Bilbao, Spain
06/09 2012 Palacio Euskalduna. Festival Internacional de poesía. Bilbao, Spain
04/01 2012 I Festval Internacional de Poesía de Lima. First International Poetry Festival of Lima. Centro Cultural España. Lima, Peru
03/30 2012 I Festval Internacional de Poesía de Lima. First International Poetry Festival of Lima. Parque de la Expoción. Lima, Peru
03/29 2012 I Festval Internacional de Poesía de Lima. First International Poetry Festival of Lima. Universidad Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru
01/27 2012 Skurup Folkhögskola, Skurup, Sweden
16/11 2011 XXIV Encuentro de Escritoras. Biblioteca Central, San Sebastián, Spain
15/10 2011 Grrrafik 2011: “Grafik älskar fotografi”. Invigning. Fotografins rum. Kommendanthuset, Malmö Museer. Sweden
15/10 2011 Ekelöfevent. Lunds Universitet, SolCentrum, Hörsalen. Sweden 2011
09/23 2011 Bogmessen i Gothenburg. Bok & Bibliotek. Interview. Gothenburg, Sweden
09/23 2011 Bogmessen i Gothenburg. Bok & Bibliotek. Seminarium. Gothenburg, Sweden
09/13 2011 What characterize Nordic literature? A discussion. Nordens Hus, Reykjavik, Island.
09/13 2011 The University of Reykjavik. Reykjavik, Island.
09/11 2011 The Reykjavik International Literature Festival. Reading in Iðnó Theater, Reykjavik, Island.
09/11 2011 The Reykjavik International Literature Festival. Interviewed by Haukur Ingvarsson, The Nordic House, Reykjavik, Island.
06/18 2011 12. International Literature Festival Bremen. Poetry on the Road. Shakespeare Theater. Germany
05/19 2011 Högkvarteret, Närkesgatan Stockholm, Sweden
05/01 2011 PEN World Voices Festival of International Literature. Poetry and Yaga curated by Elena Brower. Rubin Museum of Art, New York, USA
04/29 2011 PEN World Voices Festival of International Literature. Poetry: The Second Skin curated and emceed by Laurie Anderson. Unterberg Poetry Center 92nd Street Y, New York, USA.
03/22 2011 Fondation Danoise Paris, France
11/06 2010 The PLG´s Inn Huangshan, China
11/04 2010 Hangzhou, China
11/03 2010 Shanghai Literature And Art Publishing House, Shanghai, China
09/26 2010 Parc Vendome, New York,N.Y., USA
09/23 2010 The Writer´s Center Maryland, USA
06/05 2010 Pabellón Fundación Círculo de Lectores. Feria del Libro de Madrid 2010. Madrid, Spain
06/04 2010 Feria del libro de Bilbao 2010. Bilbao, Spain

Pia Tafdrup
is a poet, writer and a member of The Danish Academy.

Honours include:

The Swedish Academy’s Nordic Prize 2006
The Soeren Gyldendal Award, 2005
The Nordic Council’s Literature Prize, 1999


© 2025 Pia Tafdrup